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Professional Web Designers? or Website Builder Tools

If you are an entrepreneur or a business owner trying to move your business online, chances are high that you would come across the perplexing question of – whether to get the website built the cheap and easy way using Do-It-Yourself website builder tools or get it built through a professional website design company?

In this digital era, you don’t need to understand coding or be a technology geek to kick-start a fully functional website. All it takes is signing up for a DIY website builder tool and work your way through to the finish line. What makes DIY tools attractive is that – you don’t need a hefty bank account to get started; most of these tools are free and hardly take time to sign up.

Whether a DIY website builder gets a thumbs-up in comparison to a professional website design, seasoned web designer – we’ll let you decide after you’ve read through. Here are few pointers for you to ponder before taking the plunge:

  1. Website Builder Tool

This software is accessible online and uses your email address to sign up. Once you’re logged in, the software allows you to upload images, texts, slideshows, videos, etc., to a blank canvas. If you are willing to pay, you to choose from professional templates to complement your business.

  1. One Size Doesn’t Fit All

It’s imperative to understand that each DIY website builder is unique in its own way in terms of template choice, design, look and feel, and of the sorts. You need to make a calculated decision depending on your specifications.

  1. Popular DIY Tools

Weebly, Squarespace, Jimbo, IM Creator, Wix are the most sought-after website builder tools available. You want to do a thorough research before making your choice.

  1. Shared Hosting

DIY website builders function via shared hosting, which means you don’t have full control of your content. In the event that you go against the hosting server’s terms and conditions, they will shut down your account. However, there’s no need to worry if you’re playing by the rules.

  1. Customization

Unlike professional website builders, DIY builder tools are closed source programs. They have their limitations, beyond which you can’t customize them to meet your desired website’s look and feel.

  1. Loading Speeds

It’s only after your website goes live you’ll realize that your website is sharing resources and bandwidth with many other websites. This means loading speeds will be compromised and large image files and videos are just going to make it worse. Traffic on your website is likely to stall but it won’t drive away website visitors completely.

  1. Backup

A website without backup is a recipe for disaster and most DIY website builders except few like IM Creator and Weebly, don’t have reliable backup provisions. This is something you might want to think through because it’s going to be challenging if you’re planning on moving your entire website elsewhere in the internet space.

Trust the Expertise of Professionals

Just like two sides of a coin, there’s a good and bad side to DIY website builder tools. It’s best not to risk it if you’re serious about driving traffic and converting visitors into potential customers. Working with professional website design experts, like Webcodexphil, is a smarter, wiser and cost-effective business proposal. Do-it-Yourself website builder tools might look all glossy and simple upfront; it’s only when you actually get working it seems like you made a hasty decision.

There’s a reason why thriving businesses are ruling the internet space – their websites are pristinely perfect. This is where the professional website design touch works its magic and it’s worth every penny.

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